1 tip to land a high-paying copywriting client

copywriting Jun 22, 2022

Hooooooooooooo weee. This one’s a HOT topic for sure.

Every copywriter asks:

How do I get clients? How do I land a client? I’m sending 30 million messages out to prospects and getting ZERO responses. There’s 5 million other copywriters applying for these jobs / gigs. How do I stand out?

There’s a lot to unpack here.

But if you want to get started learning how to actually land high-paying copy gigs, watch this video (it’s just the tip of the iceberg):

FREE training on how to get clients.

Here’s the thing.

If you can’t get clients right now, you’ve got one of 2 problems:

Your skill level isn’t high enough. (Your samples aren’t strong enough, and you need to level up your copywriting before your writing commands attention and income from clients.)


You don’t know how to talk to clients to close a deal.

I get like 5 Facebook messages a day from copywriters looking for work.

But very rarely are they well thought...

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Imposter syndrome, and how to stop comparing yourself to others

mindset Jun 20, 2022

Recently a young man came to me looking for help with a mindset block around imposter syndrome.

I LOVE helping people with this shit.

Funny story: this person (no lie) made $12.5 MILLION in a single deal in 2020 by taking advantage of an opportunity during the pandemic…

And then felt "lost and confused" for a year straight.

They had an internal script that was driving their money-making…

It was all about proving that they weren’t a failure to their father.

Once that purpose was achieved…

That internal script de-activated - thus the feeling of "lost and confused."


Fascinating stuff, right?

Today I want to chat with you about imposter syndrome.

Feeling like a fraud… and comparing yourself to other copywriters you see on Facebook posting about their awesome results and money numbers.

Does seeing these FB posts trigger you into feeling "less than" in worth and ability… and then do you overcompensate with a compulsive urge to try...

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