Channeling 101 (How to download winning copy from the universe)

Uncategorized Jul 10, 2024

 Last week I wrote an email about channeling, and how I’ve used this skill to write over 17 winning sales letters over the last 4 years. 

I briefly touched on the subject…

And a reader sent in this question:

First of all, I appreciate Ryan sending in this message. 

Messages of appreciation are always nice to receive. 

They help my energy and keep me excited to keep delivering my best content to you. 

So let’s dive into this. 

First, a recap:

Channeling is a skill. 

It’s the ability to switch frequencies… or “channels” if you will… to tap into different modes of thinking, feeling, and behavior. 

Let’s use an example that’s easy to understand…

There’s one profession that is purely based 100% on channeling…

And that’s acting. 

When Robert Downey Jr. plays Iron Man in a movie…

He has to be able to step outside of his own persona…

Put aside his thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and patterns of thinking…

And “get in the zone” of becoming Tony Stark. 

Before every scene…

He has...

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Why break-ups, family deaths, & personal disasters can be good for copywriting

Uncategorized Jul 03, 2024

In 2017, I was 30 years old, living in Fort Collins, Colorado. 

I had already quit my PhD and had a semester of writing copy professionally under my belt. 

In March, I was supposed to fly to Hawaii for 2 months to co-work, write copy, and learn from Dan Ferrari, one of the best copywriters in the industry. 

But the day before I left, something catastrophic happened…

Something I haven’t shared with a lot of people. 

The girl I had been dating for 3 years called me on the phone and broke up with me. 

The reason why she did it…

Was because her brother had found videos of my dating advice business online…

Where I was yapping on Youtube, teaching men how to be confident with women. 

Needless to say, it wasn’t a good look for her family. 

So for the first 2 weeks in Hawaii, instead of enjoying my time…

I was crying every day, trying to deal with the gut-wrenching pain of a break-up. 

I truly did love her. 

I thought I was going to marry her. 

And if the universe didn’t force th...

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Dan Ferrari’s BIG warning about ChatGPT4o / AI copywriting

Uncategorized Jun 26, 2024

I had the pleasure of hosting 2 amazing copywriters last Friday at my new house. 

Copywriter #1 is my long time mentor and marketing samurai Dan Ferrari, one of the best copywriters to ever click-clack the keyboard. He’s normally in Hawaii or Central America, but was in San Diego for a weekend. We’ve known each other 8 years now - WILD. 

Copywriter #2 is my long time friend and one of the most sought-after financial copywriters in the industry, Austin Lee. He also lives in San Diego, about 7 minutes from my place in La Jolla. 

In astrology, that Friday was the luckiest day of the year because of some “Jupiter Cazimi” that I don’t understand. 

But whatever it is, I found it lucky that I got to hang out with my long time friends and plunder their brains for their most recent marketing and copywriting lessons they’ve learned. 

So we went for a hike down to Blacks Beach, came back to my house to grill up some steaks and veggies for dinner, and watched UFO conspiracy videos while chatt...

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This writer is worth $500 million in net worth

Uncategorized Jun 19, 2024

Last week I was getting coached by my intuitive coach, and she mentioned Stephen King. 

She told me to go look up his net worth, and when I did…

My jaw dropped. 

Stephen King is worth $500 million in net worth. 

He’s probably the wealthiest writer to ever live. 

Why does this matter to you?

A few years ago I read On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft…

A brilliant book King wrote about his writing process that I recommend every copywriter reads. 

Think about this…

This guy has written on average 1000 words a day for over 50 years. 

That’s some crazy math - 18.2 million words written over his career. 

There are copywriters who struggle to write 3 emails a day. 

In his memoir, you can find all sorts of copywriting gems that make your writing jump off the page and come alive in your reader’s mind.  

For example…

Stephen King Writing Tip #1:

Avoid adjectives and adverbs - they suck. Focus on verbs and nouns instead. 

^^ That’s something I’ve been teaching copywriters for years. ...

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How to rewire a bad m0ney belief

Uncategorized Jun 12, 2024

Last week, I sent an email showing you how to rewire an inner belief that’s BLOCKING money from coming to you.  

Today, I want to clarify this process a bit for you. 

I want you to go ahead and get out of a journal…

And write down a m0ney intention you have. 

Maybe it’s to make 10K / month. 

Maybe it’s to make 300K / month. 

Maybe it’s to get a house. 

Maybe it’s to buy a car. 

Whatever it is, write it down in your journal in present tense. 

For example:

“I make 83K / month.”

Now I want you to draw a circle like this:

This is your “zone of belief.”

It’s your current manifestation zone…

The range of realities you are familiar with, expect, and align with your beliefs. 

Naturally, your intention will be outside of this zone of belief, like this:

The more impossible your intention seems…

The further outside this circle it will be. 

Now if I ask you to imagine your intention, uncomfortable thoughts and feelings may pop up around it.

And if I ask you whether you EXPEC...

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A breakdown of my new winning VSL (21-day blood sugar reboot)

Uncategorized Jun 05, 2024

Okay, so I don’t often do this…

But today I’m going to share a little breakdown of my new winning VSL. 

I’m not gonna share all the secrets…

Because I still do want to keep my edge in the health industry. 

However, I will at least give you some hints and show you a swipe of my latest, newest copy that I’ve written. 

This promo hit the top 10 sends of the year in revenue on Mike Geary’s Nutrition Watchdog list last week. 

It’s a massive, massive winner, about to receive a dump load of traffic in the coming weeks as it spreads across the email networks. 

You can check it out here:

21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot. 

Stash it in your swipe folder. 

Study it. 

Hand-copy it if you want. 

I’ll point out some things to note here:

  • We tested 4 different leads, including a nightmare story lead - the chocolate cake lead won. 
  • This promo is pretty heavy on the interesting, useful facts (“food nuggets” I call them), paradoxical questions, and education - I really followed the adage from Gar...
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“I have to get it right the first time or I’m a disappointment.”

Uncategorized May 29, 2024

Sarah was trying to write copy for a long form sales letter for a client…

But every time she sat down to write, a wave of fear and shame overwhelmed her. 

In one of the last weeks of my last Zero to 5K coaching group, this was a big mindset block we worked on. 

Many copywriters have a similar block that manifests itself in a perfectionism block around their writing. 

This tends to dramatically slow down their writing production…

And it’s one of the most common mindset blocks I see in copywriters. 

So how do you fix it?

Today, I’m going to share the 3 step process behind rewiring one of these mindset blocks. (You can do this with ANY mindset block you have.)

Step 1: Hand write in a journal to get clear on the block

In particular, write down:

  • WHEN you experience the block.
  • THOUGHTS that go through your head.
  • EMOTIONS that accompany those thoughts. 

For Sarah, whenever she sat down to write long form copy, she would feel a wall of fear and shame. She had thoughts like “I ...

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How to manifest more money

Uncategorized May 29, 2024

Do you believe in manifestation?

I’ve coached copywriters, business owners, and marketers for 5 years at this point…

And I’ve seen the biggest inc0me “level-ups” in students in 2 ways:

#1: The student is ready to receive copywriting training - they take what I teach and immediately take massive action, implementing it



#2: They make a shift in their belief system - they are STUCK because of their emotional blocks and more information and knowledge doesn’t help them… it’s overcoming a mental block that moves the needle 

I would say for the over 500 students I’ve coached…

About 20% of copywriters are in the first category…

And about 80% are in the second category.

Which is why I’ve got something special for you today.

You see…

I believe every single one of us are manifesting, 24/7, 100% of the time.

We are creator beings.

And we create our reality based on our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs about ourselves.

Most people are unaware that they are doing it.

The few peo...

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Nightmare story VSL leads suck - there, I said it

Uncategorized May 22, 2024

Hey Copy Gangsta, 

We just launched another VSL here at PaleoHacks for a product called the 21 Day Blood Sugar Reboot…

Looks like another huge winner. 

That makes 3 winning VSLs in a row so far for me since we switched from cookbooks to VSLs.  

And I wanna just come right out and say… 

I think nightmare stories are lazy copywriting.  

I really want to share all the split tests, lead tests, and email creative tests from these 3 VSL wins for you here… 

But unfortunately, I am going to wait on that for a few months.  

I believe our team has a leg up on the rest of the health industry right now, and I want to keep our top secrets close to the heart.  

Here’s what I will share: 

If you want to keep an eye on the PaleoHacks email list and Mike Geary’s Nutrition Watchdog email lists… 

You can do your own “business espionage” on these VSLs.  

(They’re easy to find, just Google PaleoHacks or Nutrition Watchdog and put in your email to start getting these offers in your inbox).  


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How do you feel (emotionally) when you think about m0ney?

Uncategorized May 15, 2024

How To Attract More Wealth In Your Copywriting Career

By Changing Your Energetic Relationship To M0ney

How do you feel when you think about money?

For the longest time, my primary emotion was fear, anxiety, and worry. 

I would feel a wave of fear every time I looked at my bank account and saw the number dropping (even when there was plenty in there). 

I would be afraid that I would run out of money…

Even though I’ve been broke before and nothing happened - I was fine. 

Happy, even. 

But suddenly, once I started making m0ney, I would be afraid that I would lose it all… 

Even when there was no such evidence to support that belief. 

I knew it was an irrational fear. 

And I knew it came from my mom, who grew up in poor rural China during the cultural revolution. 

Their family celebrated birthdays by eating a single egg…

And she had never tasted chocolate until she was in her 20s. 

As a result, she had a scarcity mindset around m0ney and would always guilt trip my dad about sp...

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