A while back I reviewed an email without a subject line since the writer forgot to include one.
I gave a tiny tip on subject lines but I only scratched the surface.
Today we’ll dig deeper.
As you know, if your subject line doesn’t grab attention, people won't open your email.
When this happens, even an amazing email will generate zero sales.
So you must practice till you become a subject line gangsta.
If you're a beginner...or you don't have a lot of confidence in yourself...you should tap into existing material.
One of my favorite sources of inspiration is cover blurbs on magazines like:
Magazine blurbs are great attention-grabbing copy pieces.
They have a couple of seconds to grab your attention...trigger curiosity...and stimulate your interest glands enough to make you buy the magazine.
That's hard in our short-attention-span world!
The people who write those blurbs are beyond talented and we can get inspiration from their hard work.
For fun, let's look at a few Cosmo blurbs:
All of them pack a punch.
They have a specific benefit or an implied benefit.
And we can use their structure for any subject line we write.
Take for example the "hair hacks of the rich and famous" one.
We can use it in any niche:
See how easy it is?
While we're at it, let's come up with a subject line for the email you're reading.
How about "subject line hacks of the rich and famous"?
But nothing stops us from adding an extra adjective and having a lil fun:
subject line hacks of the rich, famous, and GANGSTA
Hahaha, much better right?
What was that, my dear Top Gun?
You say that an email has to fulfill the promise made in the subject line?
That unless you do so, people will get angry?
Well, let's look at the facts:
I am sharing one of my subject line hacks...
And here's indisputable proof that at least Mrs. Li also thinks I’m a GANGSTA:
Methinks I am fulfilling the promise made in the subject line ;-)
Anywho, here's what I want you to do:
At first, it might be hard.
But over time it will become easier.
You'll go from needing half an hour for 2-3 subject lines...
...to pumping 5-10 in a couple of minutes.
Plus, wanna know a cool side-benefit of this exercise?
You might get inspiration for entire emails!
For example:
The "how to get hired with zero effort" can become an email talking about how to land gigs with big clients even if you have no experience.
The "get-fit secrets for a tight bod" made me think about secrets for a tighter, more powerful, and more believable headline.
And the "do what you love, get a fat paycheck" reminds me of conversations I have with students about the importance of picking a niche they genuinely enjoy writing for...even if it's not one of the big three (health, wealth, relationships). They end up writing better copy which always leads to better conversions and fat paychecks
Hopefully the above helps you.
For more hacks of the rich, famous, and GANGSTAcopywriters check out my flagship coaching program, "Zero to $5k"
Right now it's closed since we focus on helping current students crush it.
But we'll soon open.
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