Hurry! Zero to $5K Closes in









A Message From A-List Copywriting Coach Ning Li:

Can You Write Just 1 Email A Day? If So, Today I Invite You To Join My Brand New Copywriter Launch Course:

 Total Beginners: Here’s The Step-By-Step Blueprint To Write High Level Copy, Land Copywriting Clients, And Skyrocket Your Income Past $5,000 / Month - In 8 Weeks Or Less

  • Discover the #1 SPEED Hack to writing high-level copy in just 1 or 2 weeks

  • Copy-and-paste my FREE “Clients On Demand” templates that have helped hundreds of copywriters launch their careers 

  • Live the “laptop freedom” lifestyle you’ve always wanted just 2 months from now - with this proven beginner’s course from the best damn 1-on-1 copywriting coach in the business

Hey, it's Ning Li. 

Can you write 1 email a day?

If so - you can become a full-time copywriter.

Which means just 8 weeks from now…

You could be making $5,000 a month working from home typing words into Google docs on your laptop. 

Even if you have ZERO experience as an internet marketer…

Even if you’ve NEVER written a lick of copy…

And even if you’ve spent thousands of dollars on other copywriting courses with no results to show for it. 


Today, I’m Going To Show You A PROVEN Step-By-Step System To Go From Complete Copywriting Beginner To Making Up To $5,000 A Month In Just 8 Weeks

I’ve logged over a thousand hours of 1-on-1 copy coaching.

I’ve helped over 400+ copywriters launch their careers - many were TOTAL beginners just like you.

Yet in just a few short weeks, this proven system has helped them:


  • Quit dead-end “prison jobs” they hate so they can make money from home typing on their laptop 
  • Land HUGE retainer deals with 8-figure clients in the internet marketing industry 
  • Learn the most valuable skill set in internet marketing that will continue to stuff cash into their pockets for the rest of their lives 
  • Live the copywriter’s life of freedom working from home, traveling, and getting paid while on vacation 

Just check out some of stories from my past students here:

Luke Mills coached with me for 1 year, then became Stefan Georgi’s right hand man. Today, this legendary tag team writes monster controls that earn Luke $30k-$50k / month in profit

Jonathan Fisher went from charging pennies on Fiverr and Upwork to landing $7,500 gigs writing sales letters huge financial publishers

Joel Boomer started with ZERO experience, ZERO clients, and ZERO income. Three months later, he landed a $5,000 sales letter gig. Today, he works with a world-class agency writing for different factions of Agora

Tiana Asperjan leveled up her copy income past $10k / month in 8 weeks of coaching by landing a retainer with a “whale client” - the owner of one of the biggest health email lists in the industry

Eric Panter more than TRIPLED his income in 2 months and called this coaching program “one of the most pivotal and most defining decisions I’ve ever made in my entire life. And I say this with 100% complete sincerity.”

Jon Fisher - “Very quickly, I was making massive gains to my skill set. It was incredible. In a period of 9 days, I got a bunch of clients. This is the thing that makes this program, in my opinion, the best I’ve ever seen.”


Tom Clayson - “Within 30 days of the program ending, I had 2 big retainer clients paying me $1,000 a month and $5,000 a month, respectively. It’s only gotten better since.”


Tiana Asperjan - “My income has shot up over $10k a month as a freelance copywriter. Ning has truly been with me every step of the way, I cannot recommend him and his coaching program any more highly.”


In short - this 8-week copywriting course WORKS.

It can give you the life of freedom you’ve always wanted.

And the best part is…

It doesn’t involve grinding for 8 hours a day.

It doesn’t involve any risk (like spending your money on inventory or starting an Amazon FBA business).

All you have to do is type words into Google docs - and that’s it!

If You Can Write 1 Email A Day, You Can Become A Full-Time Copywriter Earning $5,000 / Month


These emails are not complicated. 

They’re usually not more than 500 words…

And they look like this:

 This is actually an example of an email I wrote…

And I got paid $300 for it.

It didn’t take more than 10 minutes to write. 

And here’s the crazy part: 

If you can write MORE than just 1 email a day…

The world is your oyster!

Intermediate copywriters make between $5k and $15k a month…

And after a few years… 

You could even make more than $250k a year writing copy!

It’s 100% possible - and it’s already happened for a few of my students. 

What’s more…

Businesses Will Drop Fat Stacks Of Cash Into Your Bank Account While You Sip Mimosas On The Beach In Greece… Hawaii… Costa Rica… 


Or Anywhere You Damn Well Please

Here’s a picture of my recent wedding in Costa Rica:

Two of my copywriting students (and my mentor Dan Ferrari) were there. 

We were ALL getting paid while we partied on the beach in paradise. 

Here’s a picture of my wife and I in Hawaii.

We booked a 4-star ocean-view hotel in Waikiki with zero worries because I was getting paid the entire time. 

This copywriting system gives you the freedom to work wherever and whenever you want.

Want to play hookie one day and surf at the beach? I do it all the time. 

Want to invite the whole family out to dinner and pick up the check like a boss? My students and I love doing that. 

How about taking the afternoon off and playing video games? 

No problem (my wife and I love playing Elden Ring and Overwatch).

This 8-Week Beginner’s Copywriting Course Is YOUR Ticket To This Life Of Freedom

My name’s Ning Li. 

I’m a professional copywriter who’s written controls for some of the biggest direct response companies in the industry, including Agora, Organifi, and PaleoHacks. 

My copy has sold over $30 million worth of products or services…

And has generated over 300,000 new customers for my clients. 

I’ve even been recognized by other A-list copywriters as one of the top marketers in the business:

Dan Ferrari, World's #1 Financial Copywriting Coach


"These dudes are the real deal! Austin & Ning have been cranking some of the most profit shattering sales letters I’ve ever seen. In fact, to keep an edge with my ad agency, I make it a priority to hire them on the spot provided they’re not already overbooked. 

I wish I had people of their caliber mentoring me when I was getting started. Let’s just say I estimate I would be at least 5 years ahead of the curve."

Derek Johanson, Founder of


"When Austin & Ning joined Copy Hour Class 2016, no one knew who they were. I’ve since seen them rise to superstardom & produce million dollar sales letters. I’m still baffled at how fast they’ve learned the craft. If you really want to master the art of effective copy & learn how to build your copywriting freelance business at the same time, then you owe it to yourself to check them out. Just do what they say and you’ll thank me later "

Stefan Georgi 


"There are few people I know who truly understand copywriting on a fundamental level, yet Ning Li is one of them. A brilliant marketing mind and an exceptional writer, he has a gift for taking his vast knowledge and distilling it down into essential chunks that anyone can grasp. Whether you’re a beginner, or seasoned pro, or a verified A Lister, you can absolutely benefit from a conversation with Ning. We’ve been lucky enough to have Ning as a coach in our Copy Accelerator program for the last 6 months or so, and it’s borderline-outrageous how much our copywriters have benefitted from his coaching. From his keen eye for detail to his brilliant brain, I’ve seen a single phone call with Ning benefit writers more than years of self-directed study or binging courses. Seriously, if you’ve got the opportunity to work with Ning in any capacity, do so immediately. I guarantee you will be happy that you did."

Justin Goff


"Ning Li is the marketing powerhouse behind PaleoHacks explosive growth these past few years. He makes great decisions in writing copy, implementing upsells, and he’s also a pleasure to be around.  Ning was our first 1-on-1 copy coach we hired in our Copy Accelerator program, and pretty much every writer who got on a call with him left amazing reviews. If you’re a copywriter and want to level up your game, I definitely recommend Ning's coaching. thank me later "

When it comes to coaching…

I Believe I’ve Coached More Copywriters 1-On-1 Than Any Other Coach Or Mentor On The Planet


Over the past 4 years, I’ve coached more than 400 writers to HUGE success. 

When the Copy Accelerator mastermind launched a few years ago… 

Stefan Georgi organized “copywriting contests” where 10 writers would compete for a job opening by writing a long form sales letter. 

Six out of the first 8 winners were my students.

When Justin Goff and Stefan Georgi caught wind of this… 

They immediately hired me to be the first EVER 1-on-1 coach for Copy Accelerator. 

Since then, I’ve become one of the go-to coaches for direct response copywriters in the industry.

Today, I Want To Invite You To My Premier Beginner’s Program For Launching Your Copywriting Career In Just 8 Weeks 

In a moment, I’ll also reveal:

  • The 2-step equation to success as a copywriter (hint: it has to do with reprogramming your mental blocks) 
  • How to grab ALL of my copy-and-paste templates, resources, and trainings for writing copy, landing high-paying clients, and living a life of freedom you’ll ever need 
  • How to get my Clients-on-Demand training for landing high-paying clients FREE 

You’ll learn all of that right here on this page. 

Are you ready? Let’s go. 

There’s 1 Reason Why My Zero To $5K Program Is Different From Any Other Copywriting Course Out There

Look, if you’ve been trying to break into the copywriting world…

If you feel FRUSTRATED that nothing has worked…

I get it. 

I’ve gone through the ringer in my own career.

Before “making it big” as a copywriter, I was just like you… 

Alone, in the dark, throwing spaghetti at a wall trying to make this “copywriting thing” work. 

I learned copywriting while working as a full time PhD student at Colorado State University.

I listened to marketing podcasts while pipetting and plating agar gels in a biology lab.

I wrote copy while I pretended to write my graduate thesis.

I Studied Copywriting Courses In A Cramped Bedroom Where I Slept On A Mattress On The Floor

It was a GRIND… and I felt like I was going nowhere.

My story isn’t unique, either. 

Copywriting students have come to me with some heart-breaking stories:

  • They’ve dropped thousands of dollars on online courses - yet they’ve never landed a paying client
  • They’re stuck in a job where they’re driving semi-trucks across the country for 8 hours a day or they’re working a Navy job where a boss screams at them all day
  • They’re battling depression, anxiety, and mountain of fear and shame, and trying to learn how to write copy despite it all 

These are real stories from past students I’ve coached. 

In short…

This is a hard game to learn on your own. 

The Reason Most Copywriters Struggle To Get Started And Earn A Consistent Income Comes Down To One Single Equation:


Proven Action Plan + Thriving Mindset = $$$$$$$$$$$$

This is the equation for success.

The Proven Action Plan part is relatively simple. 

I provide done-for-you templates for writing copy…

Applying for copywriting jobs…

Scripts for closing clients on Zoom…


And they’re SUPER easy to use - all you need to do is copy-and-paste, change a few words to match your style, and boom: you’re set. 

But here’s the thing:

Tons of copywriting courses have these kinds of templates. 

Some are better, some are worse. 

(You can trust mine - just check out the testimonials on the page… they work.)

But what about the other half of the equation…

What does a Thriving Mindset mean?

A Thriving Mindset means your mind is healthy and programmed for success…

And you don’t have mental blocks that are sabotaging your results.

Let me explain. 

Take for instance… overweight people who are trying to lose weight. 

Most trainers will give them an exercise routine and a diet - that’s the “action plan” part. 

Just like copywriting “action plans”, some of these weight loss action plans are harder…

Others are easier and take less time & effort.

However, some people have a lot of mental blocks that SABOTAGE their action plan. 

Some people get severe cravings and go on all-you-can-eat binges after a stressful day. 

Others are carrying around so much shame, anxiety, and guilt that they can barely get out of bed - much less head to a gym. 

Mindset blocks STOP you from taking the action needed to get you the result you want. 

It’s the same with copywriting. 


Most Copywriters Have HUGE Mental Blocks Like Low Confidence, Self-Doubt, Anxiety, And Imposter Syndrome


These Mental Blocks Sabotage Their Success No Matter How Good Their Action Plan Is!

When it comes to copywriting…

Your mindset is an even bigger part of the equation…

Because copywriting is a very mental skill (as opposed to physical, like losing weight). 

Here are some examples of mental blocks that are common in copywriters:


  • You have fear and anxiety when it comes to talking to clients
  • You don’t feel like you deserve money or deserve to get paid
  • You have crushing low-self worth and feel like a failure
  • You’re a people-pleaser and you’re terrified of saying no to a client
  • You can’t ask for what you want with a client
  • You have severe perfectionism or writer’s block and think that nothing you write is ever good enough
  • You just went through a breakup or are having trouble romantically and can’t think about anything related to copy 


These mindset blocks are all caused by shame… low self worth… and other negative emotions clogging up your brain…

And believe it or not, they all come from how you were treated by your parents growing up. 

When you’re fighting mindset blocks all day…

It takes up ALL of your mental energy and STOPS you from working on your copy career. 

As a result - many writers feel hopeless. 

Some give up entirely and chase a new “shiny object” that promises they’ll make money while doing ZERO work. 

The truth is…

If You’ve Got A Lot Of Mindset Blocks… 


Trying To Write Copy, Get Clients, And Make Money Will Feel Like You’re Walking Up A Mountain Carrying A Backpack Full Of Bricks

It slows you down - MASSIVELY.

Some have mindset issues that are so severe, it makes success impossible.

In my experience, this isn’t something a whole lot of coaches talk about.

Even fewer have the ability to actually FIX these mindset blocks for you…

Yet it’s an essential part of that success formula. 

That’s exactly why inside my Zero to $5K program…

One of the FOCUSES is that I unwire your mental blocks for you. 

Believe it or not… 

I Have This Weird “Superhuman” Ability That I Gained Through Thousands Of Hours Of Therapy, Psychedelic Healing, And Copy Coaching  


I can “unwire” a student’s mental blocks just by talking with them on Zoom…

And leading them through a 15-minute visualization. 

During this visualization, I walk you through childhood memories filled with shame, fear, and other negative emotions…

And I reprogram the memories for you. 

Afterwards, the mindset block disappears - permanently.

Sounds crazy…

But it’s not. (Just check out the video testimonials on this page…)

It’s real - and as far as I know, I’m one of the only coaches who can do this for you. 

I cured one student of 20 years of suicidal thoughts in 6 weeks. 

Other students have overcome emotional patterns and addictions they’ve struggled with their entire lives. 

It has a 100% success rate.

 That’s why my copy students become walking testimonials after coaching with me…

Because their lives change - and more success naturally comes to them (on autopilot.)

These 15-Minute Emotional Visualizations Reprogram Your Mindset To Attract Success, Instead Of Sabotaging It

Once your mindset blocks are gone, you’ll feel lighter… 


More confident…

And most importantly, you’ll feel worthy of success, wealth, and making a lot of money through copywriting. 

I call this a Thriving Mindset.

When you combine this with the Proven Action Plan I’ll hand you with tons of done-for-you templates for writing copy and landing clients

Success comes shockingly fast.

How quickly?

If You Can Write Just 1 Email A Day…


You Can Go From Total Copywriting Beginner With Zero Internet Marketing Experience To Earning A Consistent Paycheck In Just 8 Weeks

Which means you can quit your dead end 9-5 job you hate…

You can start traveling while making money

You can work from home or in beachside coffee shops…

You can live a life of freedom making money from your laptop…

In 2 months or less. 

Just check out what my past students have said:

Eric Panter - “Every dollar I invested to that point in coaching has come back to me tenfold. My income is more than triple from when I started.”


Robert Segelquist - “He understands the psychology of how to work through it - more so than say a talk therapist. The results have been exponential for me. We pretty much conquered a suicidal hill I’ve been dealing with for 20 years.”


Carolyn Santo - “He’s helped me make my copy SO much better. So if you get a chance to work with him or have him look at your copy, you better grab it because it literally can change the way your career is going.”


Lana Sova - “On the first call he made one teeny tiny tweak that changed my copy forever.”


It all comes back to this one equation:


Proven Action Plan + Thriving Mindset = $$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!


When I discovered that this golden formula was the fastest way for copywriters to increase their income…

I knew I had to create a program dedicated to helping beginner copywriters launch their careers - fast. 

Because I’ll be honest…

To this point, I’ve only had a 1-on-1 copy coaching program - that’s what’s produced all these results. 

It’s very expensive - and not many people can afford it… 

Especially when it comes to beginners. 

So I began working on my Zero To $5K launch program.

I included a massive library full of all the templates and resources you would ever need to learn how to write copy…

And to land high-paying clients.

This Proven Action Plan has worked for hundreds of copywriters before you.

I combined this with my unique mindset trainings you won’t find anywhere else on the internet.

After months of refining…

I am so excited to say it’s finally ready for you.


Ning Li’s

Zero To $5K Total Beginner’s Copywriting Course

The Proven Blueprint For Writing Copy, Landing Clients, And Earning A Consistent Income Typing Words On Your Laptop In Just 8 Weeks

I don’t care if you’ve never written a word of copy…

If you failed English class in high school (I got a C)…

Or if you’ve sunk thousands of dollars into other courses with ZERO results. 

You CAN do this. 

You can live the dream copywriter’s lifestyle and make $5K…


Even $15K or more…

All from the comfort of your home, sitting on the couch, typing words into Google docs. 

This Zero To $5K course will transform your life…

Kickstart your copy career…

And teach you a skill that will stuff cash into your bank account for the rest of your life…

Even if you’re a total beginner with ZERO experience. 

I’ve Helped Countless Copywriters Skyrocket 
Their Incomes Past $10,000 A Month


And My Coaching Has A Sky-High Success Rate
Because Of 
1 Reason 

I focus on what works:

A proven action plan… and unwiring your mental blocks to success. 

It all comes down to the golden triangle: Copy, clients, and mindset. 

Zero to $5K will show you how to master all 3.

As a result, your bank account will get FAT. 

It doesn’t take more than an hour or two of work a day.

And I promise: if you can write 1 email a day, Zero to $5K will hand hold you to success. 

At this point, you may be wondering…

How does Zero to $5K work?

I’m glad you asked. 

Here's what to expect from this course...



The Proven 8-Week Curriculum That Transforms Total Beginners Into High-Earning Copywriters Shockingly Fast

Every day for 8 weeks, I’ll send you your daily assignments.

They’ll arrive in your email inbox. 

They’ll have simple, clear instructions. 

Some days I’ll have you writing emails and other types of copy. 

Other days I’ll ask you to reach out to clients or do mindset work. 

Your assignments won’t take more than an hour or two. 

Some days it’ll take you just 15 minutes. 

This is the proven step-by-step process to success. 


WEEK #1: Copywriting 101


  • How To Write Your First Email Promo: I’m going to show you how to research your first product to create your first promotion email campaign.

  • The First Lesson Of Copy: This one lesson will beef up your copy skills like nothing else (Over 90% of freelance copywriters DON’T know this!)

  • Do Your Damn Research: This training teaches you how to do proper research before writing a piece of copy (By the way: Most copywriters have no idea how to research. Some don’t even do research at all!)

  • How To Edit Your Copy Like A BOSS: Did you know a simple edit in your copy can boost conversions like crazy? In this module, I’m going to show you how to do just that.

  • High Income Copy Templates: I’m going to equip you with proven copy templates that have sold over $30 million worth of products

  • How To Spot & Use “Copy Ingredients”: I’m going to show you how to spot and use the same “copy ingredients” used by Eugene Schwartz, Gary Halbert, Gary Bencivenga and other marketing legends for your own ads and promos.

  • And Much More!

WEEK #2: Get High Paying Clients


  • Land Clients With Zero Experience: I’m going to show you how to build a high-converting job profile that attracts high-paying clients like honey attracts grizzlies!

  • Upwork Client Training With Lucas Mills: Multi-6-Figure Copywriter Lucas Mills is going to show you how to attract high-paying clients on sites like Upwork!

  • The Checkpoint System: Cover every base imaginable in your copy with this powerful checkpoint system (This puts business owners at ease when they hire you)

  • Client Trainings With Lucas & Austin: My friend Austin heard Lucas was doing a training on how to find high profile clients -- so he decided to join the party! (Mind you, Austin is ANOTHER multi-6-figure copywriter who has a wealth of knowledge to share!).

  • And Much More!

WEEK #3: Bulletproof Mindset


  • How To Adopt The Bulletproof Mindset: How to develop the right mindset to attract the clients and income you truly deserve.

  • Letter To Your Inner Child: With this template, I’m going to show you how to undo the emotional blocks around money, boundaries and more that stem from your childhood.

  • The Brent Method: A method based on the teachings of Brent Charleston, I’m going to show you how to erase the internal fear that’s currently stopping you from getting the clients you want.

  • Visualization 101: How to use visualization to evaporate the biggest emotional triggers stopping you from success.

  • And Much More!


WEEK #4: Game On!


  • Action Time: With everything you’ve learned I’ll show you how to consistently apply for the jobs you want (instead of settling for un-fun gigs for money).

  • Copywriter Feedback: Not getting responses fast enough? I’ll give you the feedback you need to course-correct and get better results fast.

  • Copy Training Recordings: Learn from recordings of previous trainings I’ve done with copywriters of all levels.

  • Apply What You’ve Learned: We’re going to practice everything we’ve learned so far; from email writing, research, and editing your own copy (Practice makes perfect, after all!).

  • And Much More!

WEEK #5: How To Respond To Prospects & Clients 


  • Responding To Clients: By now, you should be having clients respond to your emails and messages. I’m going to show you EXACTLY what to say to help you land your first project (if you haven’t already!)

  • How To Price Your Copy Services: I’ll show you how to accurately price your copy services, so you never feel like you’re selling yourself short again.

  • Knowing When To Charge Lower Fees: I’m going to show you when it’s okay to budge.

  • How To Get Positive Testimonials From Clients: The more effective your client testimonials are, the easier it will be to attract more clients! I’ll show you how to properly ask for high-converting testimonials for your clients.

  • And Much More!

WEEK #6: Long Form Sales Copy Part 1

  • How To Break Down A Long-Form Video Sales Letter: I’m going to show you the inner-workings of a high converting sales letter (the BIG money is in long form copy projects!)

  • The Long-Form Direct Response Template: I’m going to give you the proven long-form direct response template I personally use to write heavy-hitting sales letters and scripts.

  • Long-Form Sales Letter Research: This step-by-step process is going to separate you from the rest of your competition (and clients are going to love you for it!)

  • And Much More!

WEEK #7: Long-Form Copy Part 2

  • PLANNING: From big ideas to unique angles, I’m going to show you how to plan out and execute a long form sales letter.

  • Write Your First Long-Form Sales Letter: Using what you’ve learned, we’re going to craft your first long-form sales letter for your portfolio!

  • And Much More!


WEEK #8: Putting It All Together 


  • Make Sure Your Copy’s On Point: In this last week, we’re going to focus on making sure your portfolio samples are client-worthy and ready to go.

  • How To Maximize Feedback: Here, we’re going to maximize any feedback or suggestions on your copy that you’ve received from me or other students.

  • How To Effectively Raise Your Prices: Here you’ll learn when it’s time to raise your prices, so you can start making more while earning less.

  • How To Get Referrals From Existing Clients: Once word gets out that you’re a solid copywriter that gets results, clients will come knocking down your door. I’ll show you how to make that happen for you as soon as possible!

  • And much more!


Inside every week of the Zero to $5K Curriculum, you’ll get: 


  • HD VIDEO LESSONS: full HD videos you can stream from your laptop or phone, with playback speed control so you can learn at your pace 
  • WORKSHEETS, SLIDES & PDFS: if the video has slides, or discusses a certain piece of swipe, you’ll get a file to follow along. Or, if there’s a link to something, we’ll include that inside your portal. 
  • DONE-FOR-YOU TEMPLATES: I wanna make this as easy as possible for you. That’s why I’ve created templates for research, writing, outreach to clients - even a Zoom script for talking to clients 


Can You See How Zero To $5K Gives You The HIGHEST Possible Chance Of Success As A Copywriter?

Holy crap, I gotta be honest... 

Flipping through this, I’m EXTREMELY JEALOUS of you. 

Why? Because I had to go figure all this out myself… soaking in self doubt…

Riding the razor’s edge the whole time: 1 lost client away from disaster.  

But with this proven system, you’ll rest easy knowing others have followed the SAME path…  

Which guided them into 4-figure retainers, 5-figure projects, and royalty deals with the world’s top direct-response businesses - in as little as 8 weeks…

How much is that kind of guidance worth to you?  

How much is it worth to have a proven success framework at your fingertips … to finally build the freelancing freedom you’ve dreamed of?  

How much is it worth to never have to settle for another shitty 9-to-5 job again? 

How much is it worth to know you’ve built a life that gives you real time to spend with your loved ones?  

Honestly, having taken hundreds of students through the very same framework… 

Watching them literally flip their lives around for the better, within 8 weeks … 


I Can Confidently Say That This System Is Well Over $15,000 In Value

The trainings inside have helped dozens of students go from ZERO…

To making upwards of $20,000 in a single month.

PLUS: investing in yourself and your education has one of the highest ROI’s (return on investment) of ANYTHING you can spend money on. 

In other words…

Every dollar you invest into this coaching will come back to you two… three… four-fold or more. 

However, today you won’t be paying $15,000 for Zero To $5K.

Your investment will be WAY LESS than that. 

Before I reveal what it is…

Let me share some FREE bonuses you’ll be getting. 



Full Lifetime Access To My Master Training Library

(It’s Got Every Copy, Client, And Mindset Training I’ve Ever Created)

(VALUE: $5,000)

This alone is worth the price of admission.

In my coaching, I have a rule. 

The longer you listen to me talk about copy, clients, and mindset, the more money you’ll make. 

That’s why I included this feature inside Zero to $5K.

Inside the Ning Li Master Training Library, you’ll find tons of trainings I’ve created over the years to help copywriters along their journey.

It’s organized into 3 sections:

Copy, clients, and mindset.

You’ll also get access to HUNDREDS of recordings of me coaching other copywriters over the past 4 years. 

They’re all formatted and annotated.

So if you want to find a recording of me coaching someone on email copy, you can. 

If you want to watch me coach writers on how to get clients, you can. 

If you want to dive into your own mindset issues, it’s all there. 


Clients-On-Demand Templates For Zoom Calls, 

Upwork Profile, Outreach Messages, And More Etc.
(VALUE: $497)

Clients-On-Demand is a training I created to show you exactly how to get copywriting clients…

Whenever you want. 

You’ll get a video training of me teaching this client-getting method, as well as multiple templates for:

  • Creating a profile on job sites like Upwork, Fiverr, and more
  • Copy-and-paste messages to send to potential clients
  • Where to find beginner copy jobs and where to find high-paying copy jobs once you get some experience under your belt
  • A closing script for when you get on a Zoom call with a potential client
  • And more…

This bonus alone can lead you to thousands of dollars THIS YEAR.

And it’s yours FREE when you join Zero To $5K today.


The 7-Step Process To Make Your
First $1K On Upwork
(VALUE: $197)


Upwork is still one of the best places for beginners to secure their first clients. 

But the game has changed.

You should NOT mindlessly reply to job posts with lazy messages.

This is what 99 out of 100 copywriters do - and they get ignored.

Instead, you should approach clients in a way that makes them go “where was this guy/gal hiding all along???” 

That’s exactly what you’ll discover in this short but powerful Upwork training. 

(Don’t be surprised if you close your very first client immediately after you consume this training ;-)



Here’s EVERYTHING You’re Getting Inside Zero To $5K Today


Zero to $5K Components =   Value 


The Zero To $5K Curriculum = $15,000

FREE Bonus #1: Lifetime Access To Ning Li's Master Training Library = $5,000

FREE Bonus #2: Clients-On-Demand = $497

FREE Bonus #3: The 7-Step Process To Make Your First $1K On Upwork = $197

FREE Bonus #3: Bulletproof Mindset = $197

Total Value = $20,694


The Zero to $5K program totals over $20K in value…

And I truly do believe it’s worth that much. 

Consider how one of my students, Luke Mills, went from virtually nothing to making $50,000 a month in under a year of coaching with me. 

I actually went ahead and did the math in Google, and he’s currently at a 52,174% return on his coaching investment. 

If you even got a FRACTION on that kind of a return…


Your Investment In Zero To $5K Will Pay For Itself - And It’ll Continue To Stuff Cash Into Your Wallet For The Rest Of Your Life

However, you won’t be paying $20,694 today for Zero To $5K.

You won’t be paying $10,000. 

You won’t even be paying $5,000 (which would be a STEAL in my opinion).

I created this program specifically for beginners - and I know that beginners need a little bit of help. 

So that’s why today, your investment for the 8-week Zero To $5K program will be just $497.

You can pay with 1 payment of $497 or you can do a payment plan of $197 per month for 3 months.

For the amount of value provided, I believe that’s a fair win-win price. 

If you’re ready to transform your life, click the button at the bottom of this page to start your Zero To $5K journey now. 

Get Ready To Live A Life Of Freedom Making Fat Stacks Of Cash How YOU Want Just 8 Weeks From Today

In my honest opinion, if you’re interested in becoming a copywriter then Zero to $5K is one of the best decisions you can make. 

Just imagine…

Waking up and working from your laptop, instead of driving through traffic to a dead-end job you hate. 

Typing words into Google docs, sending them off to clients, and then having them deposit $1,000… $5,000… even $10,000 into your bank account. 

I myself charge $30,000 for a sales letter that takes me about 2 weeks to write. 

And there’s no ceiling. 

Copywriting is such a valuable skill…

Because once you acquire it, it will pay you for the rest of your life. 

Meanwhile, you’ll be living the dream lifestyle of a “laptop nomad.”

You can travel to a beachside bar in Cancun…

Make money while sipping mimosas on an island in Greece…

Type on your laptop while laying on the beach in Hawaii…

Or you can just sit at home in your underwear. 

It makes no difference - it’s all up to you!

I truly do believe in what copywriting can bring into your life…

Because it’s changed my life…

And it’s changed countless students' lives. It’s been an incredibly gratifying journey for me. 

Just check out some of the testimonials students have sent me:

Luke Sipka - “By the third week, I was a totally different writer. It was worth every penny. I probably could’ve paid more.”


Brandon Hunt - “My offer is converting at 2.5% on cold traffic, I’m about to scale it up. If you’re on the fence, you should definitely do it.”


Andy Mukolo - “Ning’s coaching has been amazing and what I paid is nothing compared to the HUGE progress I made.”


Kenny Aronson - “I went to Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within. I felt good afterwards, but a couple weeks later the motivation was gone. With Ning, I feel like a completely new person.”


Josh Copeland - “Ning is a genius. Ever since I started working with him I’ve been working with some of the top biggest businesses in the industry. I’ve just been getting clients all over the place.”


You're At A Crossroads Right Now... And You Really Just Have 2 Very Different Options


Option 1  

Leave this page without enrolling in Zero to $5k. 

Spend the next weeks, months, and even years reading about all the people who escaped their previous lives with copywriting. 

I can tell you from experience... 

NOTHING hurts more than seeing people who are not that much different from you, enjoy the life and freedom you deserve. 


Option 2 

Just say "yes" right now. 

Enroll in Zero To $5K today and get EVERYTHING I've talked about here. 

Discover how to write high-level copy... 

Land your first copywriting client... 

And skyrocket your income past $5,000/month.

I’ll leave you with one final thought.

After coaching 400+ students, I’ve noticed that the most successful ones have one specific quality - DECISIVENESS

They see something that can help and snatch the opportunity.

Skills, age, gender, country, experience - those things do not matter as much as you might think.

But being decisive? 

That’s the differentiator between those who struggle for years and those who make the big bucks with copywriting fast.

So don’t delay. 

Click the button below to sign up for Zero To $5K today… 

And let’s make these next 8 weeks the most pivotal and life-changing weeks of your life. 

Yours in life-changing leaps,  

Ning Li
Your New Copy Coach

Click The Button Below To Enroll In The Zero To $5K Copywriting Course, Grab Everything Inside, And Begin Your 8 Week Journey To Freedom

Yes! Please Skyrocket My Copywriting Income In 8 Weeks For 1 Payment of $497
Yes! Please Skyrocket My Copywriting Income In 8 Weeks For 3 Payments of $197

Frequently Asked Questions


I’m a total newbie and I’ve never written any copy. Will Zero To $5K still work for me?

Yes. Zero to $5K is a program designed to take a complete copywriting beginner with no experience, samples, or skills…

And turn them into freelance copywriter who works from their laptop to make a living. 

So if you’re a newbie…


Zero to $5K will give you the proven, step-by-step roadmap to earning income in just 8 weeks. 


Is it hard to become a copywriter? Will Zero To $5K take a lot of time and effort?

A lot of “internet marketing gurus” pitch how easy Amazon FBA is, or how this or that gives you passive income. 

I want you to know that making money doing anything online takes time and effort. 

Nothing is truly passive.

And those who advertise it as such maaaaaaaaaay or may not be just saying that to take your money. 

Here’s the honest truth.

Becoming a copywriter is not a “passive” thing. 

If you’re looking for an easy way to make a bunch of money without actually doing any work, Zero to $5K is not for you. 

It will take time and effort. 

However, I designed the curriculum to be as easy as possible while still delivering results. 

Most days, the assignment is simply to write 1 email a day. 

Some days, the assignment will take an hour or two. 

If you’re willing to put in that time, then you’ll learn a skill that can earn you $100,000…


Even $400,000 or more per year for the rest of your life. 

Just like losing weight, learning to write copy involves taking action. 

If you’re willing to do that, you’ll get results because the system WORKS.


What makes Zero To $5K different from other copywriting courses out there?

A few things. 

First, I believe I’ve coached more copywriters 1-on-1 than any other copy coach on the planet. 

I’ve coached over 400+ writers in the past 4 years. 

I’m still actively writing million dollar copy

I’ve sold over $30 million worth of products or services online. 

I’ve TRIPLED the bottom line of the company I worked for for 3 years. 

Long story short: I know what works and what doesn’t. 

I’ve logged more than a thousand hours of coaching, so I’ve seen every possible problem imaginable. 

And inside Zero to $5K, I’ll GIVE you the done-for-you templates you need to write high level copy and land high-paying clients. 

Lastly, no other copy coach on the planet can program your mindset for success like I can. 

Just wait till you experience it ;)


Is there a money-back guarantee for Zero to $5K?

Unfortunately, no. When you join, I am making a significant commitment to you and helping you succeed. 

I’ve spent countless hours creating training, templates, and assets to help you. 

And my time is worth over $1,000 an hour. 

I truly do believe the value that I provide is worth the price - and WAY more. 

That’s why I urge you…

If your plan is to “purchase and ditch”... or to join and NOT do anything…

Please do not join. 

If you want to make a commitment and a valuable investment to yourself and your future, I’m excited to extend an invitation for you to join Zero to $5K and to transform your life. 


What happens when I click the button to join Zero to $5K?

You’ll be taken to a payment page where you input your info. 

Once the payment goes through, you’ll be directed to set up an account in Kajabi. There you can access all of the assets. 


Can I make a decision later whether to join Zero to $5K or not?

How content are you with your life right now?

If you're happy, great. Please continue doing what you're doing.

But if you're not happy?

Something is missing.

Since you're here, I'll bet that you're missing money... time... decision... or location freedom.

There's only one skill that can help you become truly free - COPYWRITING.

So you're really not making a decision between joining Zero to $5K now or in the future.

You're making a decision between living life on your own terms... or letting someone else call the shots.

If you want to be a slave to someone else's whims, join whenever you want.

But if you want total freedom? 

Join Zero to $5K today.


Okay, I’m ready to change my life. How do I join Zero to $5K?

Click the button below to get started!

Click The Button Below To Enroll In The Zero To $5K Copywriting Course, Grab Everything Inside, And Begin Your 8 Week Journey To Freedom

Yes! Please Skyrocket My Copywriting Income In 8 Weeks For 1 Payment of $497
Yes! Please Skyrocket My Copywriting Income In 8 Weeks For 3 Payments of $197
Disclaimer: Gold Rush Marketing, LLC can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, templates, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with this course. All products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing in this course, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers reference are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by reading this course you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.